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Welcome to CGPA Calculator, your reliable companion for academic excellence and precision. We are dedicated to providing students and professionals with accurate tools for calculating and understanding their academic performance metrics, including GPA and CGPA.

Our Mission

Our mission is to simplify the complexities of academic grading systems and conversions. We strive to offer easy-to-use calculators and detailed explanations to help you navigate your academic journey with confidence.

Understanding GPA and CGPA

GPA: This reflects the average score for a specific term or semester, typically using a numerical scale where grades like A=4, B=3, etc., are assigned.

CGPA: CGPA measures a student's overall academic performance, calculated by averaging the GPAs of each semester and dividing by the total number of credits.

Converting CGPA to GPA

A simple method to convert a 10-point CGPA to a 4-point GPA (common in the USA) is: (CGPA / Maximum Potential CGPA) * 4. For instance, a CGPA of 6.0 with a maximum CGPA of 8.0 converts to a GPA of 3.

Why Choose Us?

At CGPA Calculator, we believe in empowering students with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed. Our calculators are designed for accuracy, ease of use, and to provide you with insights that can help in your academic and professional life.

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